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International Shock Wave Institute International Association for Shock Wave Research



Welcome to the website of International Shock Wave Institute (ISWI)!
ISWI has been registered as a general incooperated association to Japanese government, May 24, 2013.

For several years, the idea of an association to promote and integrate shock wave research at an international level has been investigated. Original proposals were for several geographically defined groups (eg Asia-Pacific Association) but the idea of a full international group proved to be attractive. At the ISSW24 meeting in Beijing in July, 2004, a steering committee for the formation of such an association presented its findings to all ISSW participants. The concept was generally accepted with the details to be promulgated widely prior to ISSW25.

At the ISISWR-2 meeting in Sendai, Japan in March, 2005, a meeting of all delegates was held to discuss the association. As the meeting was fully representative of the wide discipline areas of shock wave research, it was moved that the society be formed from that date, 3rd March, 2005.

It was agreed that many details will need to be finalised as ideas for the association develop over the next few years. However, the following the initial Memorandum of Association, its rules and by-laws and is intended as the starting document. Changes will occur due to the contribution of members once the association is active. It is noted that the name of the association, The International Shock Wave Institute (ISWI) has been chosen after much discussion in order to provide a brief but comprehensive title.

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